Personal Trainer and Online Fitness Coach with over 20 years of industry experience
As a busy fitness professional and dad I know just how difficult it can be to devote time to health and fitness, and through my own experience without looking after you first how can you expect to help anyone else. I have found a way, and now I am ready to help you.”
Coach Kerr

Personal Training
Individual and small group sessions that are designed around you and your goals, whatever stage you are at in your wellness journey.
Exercise is only one facet of a healthy lifestyle. I’ll help you make good choices when you eat so you can have more energy throughout the day, and fully support your training.
Every bootcamp class is designed to work your full body with varying styles of training, that's inclusive, progressive and results driven.
Whether you are moving from inactive to active, regular exerciser to athletic performance, or looking for targetted results.
Whilst bootcamps are performed as part of a like minded fitness community, your individual goals and results are at the heart of the training plan.
All attendees become part of the Simon Kerr Fitness team, and gain help and guidance backed by 20 years of experience, coupled with advanced training and nutrition support via Simon and the Simon Kerr Fitness App.
Fit to perform
Looking to achieve peak performance? Whether you are a cricketer, aspiring triathlete, road/trail runner or developing golfer, I have the tools and experience to support and boost your performance all whilst improving overall fitness levels.
Online Coaching
Sometimes all you need is the instruction manual. Let me design a complete plan that will help you reach your goals. Sent direct to you, and supported by compliance led online coaching 24/7. Wherever you are in the world I have a solution!
WOD Club
WOD, otherwise known as ‘Workout of the Day’ is the term used to describe a set workout for all participants in the class.
Not too dissimilar to Bootcamp, WOD’s are progressive, fun and educational, as well as giving you more bang for your buck!
You will work out with up to 9 other people, with an element of friendly competition, unrivalled camaraderie, and with an array of different training tools to further enhance your workout.
All attendees become part of the Simon Kerr Fitness team, and gain help and guidance backed by 20 years of experience, coupled with advanced training and nutrition support via Simon and the Simon Kerr Fitness App.