Terms and Conditions of all Services
Personal Training Terms and Conditions
Payment for Services and Agreement:
All payments for Personal Training services MUST be made in advance of commencing any pre-arranged agreement. No sessions will take place should a session not be paid for in advance whether it be a regular, recurring or advanced payment method. Any sessions purchased online or direct MUST commence within 7 days, and be completed no later than 7 days beyond the end of the set out agreement. All training, and scheduled sessions MUST be agreed and E-Sign acknowledged within the Simon Kerr Fitness App prior to commencing your training journey.
Notice of Termination of Agreement:
For all PrePaid Personal Training agreements, a minimum period of 30 days MUST be given to cancel such agreement. Subsequently, any services provided up to and including the 30 day cancellation period will be held by Simon Kerr Fitness. Any additional services due outwith this 30 day period will be refunded to you, the customer within that same 30 day period of cancellation. It is at your discretion whether you wish to continue to train under said agreement for the 30 day period following your official termination of agreement, and as such services will be provided. Unfortunately, should you wish not to continue, then service payment will be witheld as described.
For all recurring payment Personal Training Agreements, a minimum period of 30 days MUST be given to cancel such agreement, and any payment due within these 30 days will be held by Simon Kerr Fitness, and all future pre-scheduled training removed from calendar.
With all terminated agreements by the client, all accounts, workouts, nutrition, programming, files, forms, and data will be removed following the end of the cancellation period or end of agreement (which ever comes first). Should you (client) remain in some capacity a member or part of the community of Simon Kerr Fitness and continue to participate in classes or renew in some capacity Personal Training, or otherwise, your account will remain open and you will be provide complete access to all inclusions as part of your status as an affiliate of Simon Kerr Fitness.
Added value and Inclusive Benefits for Personal Training Clients:
Unlimited access to your very own ‘Members Lounge’. Access rights (password) provided directly for security and exclusivity.
Exclusive third party discounts, and local wellness discounts as laid out in Members Lounge
Access to the Simon Kerr Fitness Community Facebook Page
Cashback Referral Scheme (click here)
Clients committing to 24 sessions or more are entitled to unlimited group fitness access for the duration of contract.
Session Cancellation Notice
Any session cancelled by client inside 24 hours will incur forfeit of session unless session is rescheduled at mutually convenient time no more than 72hrs after original session was scheduled to take place.
Any session cancelled by client inside 12 hours will incur loss of session unless rescheduled at a mutually convenient time that same scheduled session day. Should cancellation remain then session will be forfeited.
Any session cancelled by client inside 3 hours will incur both loss of session and administration fee of £20 to be paid within 7 days. This session will not be rescheduled.
Any session cancelled by your trainer (Simon Kerr) inside 24 hours, and not rearranged at a mutually agreeable time will result in an additional session being gifted.
Group Fitness Membership Terms and Conditions
From the 6th January 2023, in order to attend any Group Fitness Service delivered by Simon Kerr of Simon Kerr Fitness you MUST hold a valid recurring Membership, and/or purchase a single ‘Drop In’ credit to attend. From the 31st March 2023, all credit balances held on account that are NOT part of a rolling membership will be deducted from balance. Any credits held, and paid for up to this point in line with package validity will be honoured for use. Membership options are available to view and purchase via the Membership Page or via the Marketplace in app.
Any membership may be terminated at any time, however no further credits will be issued, and no refund will be given for services unused.
ALL Credits provided 4 weekly MUST be used within that period and credits will only be reset on successful payment of the recurring membership option. NO credits will be carried over under any circumstance.
If for any reason, you wish to change your membership you should notify Simon before cancelling and upgrading/downgrading your membership.
Should you require additional credits outwith your set membership inclusion you may purchase single credits from the marketplace.
From 6th January 2023, you will only be able to book up to 4 weeks in advance and this will remain unless notified.
Group Fitness Membership entitles access to both WOD Classes and Bootcamp.
Should you need to cancel any given class and you do so within 12 hours you will forfeit your credit.
Should you add yourself to any waiting list please only do so if available to join the class should anyone cancel up to 30 minutes prior to the start of any class. Prefernce would be to message Simon direct and he will contact you when a space becomes available.
Group Fitness Membership Benefits
Reduced rate on classes
Standard 5% discount off any Personal Training, Online Coaching and Programs (code provided at point of sale of PT, and Online Coaching. For programs get in touch prior to purchase)
Online Coaching Terms and Conditions
Two types of coaching are available for general sale. These include both one to one online coaching and group coaching. Please see below terms of service:
90 day Challenge Coaching Group
Once signed up for the Online Coaching Group you may cancel your agreement and cancel payment schedule within 30 days. During this period you will continue to receive services until the end of that initial 30 day period, and NO monies will be refunded, and agreement terminated beyond the 30 days.
Once you have continued beyond 30 days you will be bound by the agreement of recurring payments every 30 days until conclusion of the 90 day challenge whether you wish to continue or not.
Change - One to One Coaching
Online One to One coaching is delivered on a 4 weekly basis and the same notice of 4 weeks must be provided in order to terminate an agreement. No refund will be provide for services already commenced.
Online Coaching Additional Benefits:
Full access to the Members Lounge (password issued separately)
Full access to the Simon Kerr Fitness App
247 Chat
Nutrition Logging and Sample Meal Plans