10 Reasons to Join our Bootcamp Community

Having me, your coach directing the workout means you have someone to answer to. If you had the same workout to do at home it’s likely that you would start off with a decent work rate but as soon as you start to get tired you would pull back. At bootcamp I motivate you, and get the best out of you. Don’t worry, I will not beast you within an inch of your life, I want you to enjoy it, not hate it! If I can see you’re trying your best that’s all I can ask for.

Within a few sessions you will have made friends very quickly. You have all been through the same experience and this will help you bond. People that train together tend to become friends! At my bootcamps, all the team look forward to seeing each other, and they genuinely care about each other.

This might be seen as a negative to some, but it’s true to say that once you get started it’s often the inclimant weather that helps with the workout. No better cooling system than the cold, wind and rain. And damn when that sun shines we shine together. #vitamind

”If you attend bootcamp at least twice a week I guarantee you will get fitter!” If you were going to the gym you probably will do the same thing most times, and not challenge yourself. At a bootcamp it is my job, as the instructor, to challenge, and make sure that I progressively make the exercises harder or more complex. So those exercises you thought you would NEVER be able to do soon become possible!

If you attend a bootcamp you will be surrounding yourself with people that have a healthier outlook. I, as your instructor obviously have a passion for fitness, and this will rub off. I guarantee you will learn more about healthy eating being part of bootcamp. I share recipes in our Facebook Group and in the Members Lounge, as well as home workouts for when we are not training.

The first rule of my Bootcamp is no one talks about Bootcamp…I’m kidding the first rule is to have fun! Every session we laugh, and this is a big part of why people keep coming back. Each session either our warm up or our finisher is a new challenge, and it really does build confidence and trust with the members as they are laughing together. We buddy up and do larger team challenges on the regular. One rule of mine is NEVER ask your campers to do anything you can’t do yourself!

We all have different types of stress and bootcamp is an AMAZING stress relief. I have had people turn up after a horrible day at work or a hair pulling out day with their kids and they leave smiling! Once you get going the stresses of your day just leave you and you end up going home a different person that came!

This is linked to making friends, however in larger groups people tend to stick with people that they joined with but that doesn’t mean newbies are left alone. As an instructor I always put newbies with the veterans (ha ha) that have been going for a while. This way they look after and help the newer members feel comfortable. To give an added sense of communtiy we try to socialise regularly, this can be a meal, coffee or just a long walk.

So let’s just go over a few of the points above, you have more friends, you’re fitter, you’re having fun, you’re less stressed and you’re healthier which means you will have lost weight. So what does that mean? You’ll be a whole lot happier! Happier in yourself, means more body confidence, you will have more patience for your kids and partner as you’re less stressed. You have other people to talk about your problems and we all know how good we are at solving problems when we put our heads together!

My final point is price. You are getting a great workout and I think the most expensive group I have come across is £10 per session. This will probably differ from area to area. I offer my sessions from £6 which is the going rate, I offer incremental discounts for the more credits you purchase which is the norm. Whilst prices may change with the financial climate change, value will not, and I am always adding value to your ‘membership’.

There are more reasons but they are my top ten reasons to go to


Elements of a successful fitness plan